Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Confucius Temple

On September 25th students visited the Confucius temple in Taipei. This temple incorporated the artistic values of Confucius’s core philosophies throughout historical and educational exhibition halls throughout the internal structure. Our tour guide Seth Clippard provided us with informative insight towards understanding Confucianism as well as how embedded it is into the social and political fabric of Taiwanese society.

“Naturally letting go to flow within, this peaceful place immerses you without choice, transcending thought into realms of light.”
-Forrest Nuemann

"For that brief moment, in the Confucius temple I felt like I could be sitting anywhere. But I wasn't, I was sitting all the way across the world in a space my imagination couldn't even conjure up; how humbling to concentrate for fifteen minutes on the sheer fact of that." 
-Nicole Kangos